Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sims 3 University

Hello guys, Sims Domination has posted some interesting news, that Simsvip shared with us. ( UNIVERSITY! Now, seeing these pictures, I am really excited. Like so excited. 

We've counted....
  • A new world?
  • Backpacks
  •  An orange van (Moving truck?)
  • Lots of clothes (Jerseys, mascot)
  • Sketchpads
  • Art studio
  • Coffeehouse
  • Table tennis
  • Vending Machines
  • Yoga
  • A microphone? 
Anything you guys found that I didn't? Leave a comment! 

A new picture has a risen, a University render! HURRAY!

Looks like we get new phones. Will we get to color them?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My family

I don't know about you, but I personally change familys every few weeks. I don't like it, but I get bored and start fresh. So the new family is about this lady named Niki, who found out she was infertile about five years ago. Thats when she started adopting. First she adopted Blane, then Alyssa and Carrie, who are sisters.
The one in the orange hat is Blane. The grey is a friend that came over.

                                                        Carrie is just too adorable.

Alyssa being sleepy.

 Niki relaxing (Above)

Niki skating (Left) 

So I kind of want to do a story on them, but I'm not sure. Either way next update won't be for a while, I have a lot of stuff going on.